Monday, May 7, 2012

The Trials and Tribulations of Bath Time.

Last week was bath time around here for the dogs.  Thank goodness I work at fancy pet resort so that I have access to great facilities to take care of these things.  That makes stuff like baths and haircuts SO much easier for me to deal with.  And of course the mess stays there.

On Monday, Rommel was bathed.  Monday is his day to go to fancy pet resort and he had a vet appointment that afternoon.  While Rommel is pretty good for grooming, he is quite pitiful for the bath.

For a dog that, based on what I've seen of his brother, got groomed pretty much every 6 weeks, he's pitiful.  He'd had a full haircut about 3 weeks prior, so I only freshened up his feet and face.

He did well at the vet and EVERYONE loved him, as always.

On Tuesday, it was Noodle's turn.  Now, we all know that Noodle loves the water.

However, she only loves it on HER terms.  Bath time is a whole different story.

Noodle is also pitiful in the tub, somehow even more pitiful than Rommel.  And she is trying throughout the whole bath to get out of the bath.

Notice the tucked tail?  She acts as if she is being just tortured!  And then there's the blowdryer...

When she was all done, Noodle was so pretty and fluffy and smelled so good!  She hadn't had a bath in months and was long overdue.  But the bath didn't last very long.

Each weekend, we try to do one activity with the dogs.  This past Saturday, we decided to take the dogs to the dog park.  It was a new park for us and we didn't know what to expect.  It was a great park, though a bit dusty.  Noodle and Rommel had a great time and Noodle was fairly well worn out after about 30 minutes, thanks to her bad hips.

We stopped for one last water break before leaving, and that's when Noodle decided to plop down on the flagstone, which was wet from the drinking fountain and had been covered in the dirt from the park.  And she was filthy!  This resulted in a shower once we got home.  Which she was even more pitiful for than a bath at work.  And since we don't have a handheld shower head, and Noodle wanted nothing more than to get out of the tub, I had to get in.  And then I needed a shower. 

Thankfully Noodle is a fairly low-maintenance girl and doesn't require baths very often.  If only she had any clue what I put Rommel through....

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