It's been a while since I've written about the Noodle antics. Around here, it's generally same stuff, different day. But Noodle is always a fountain of entertainment, often times causing hours of laughter for her daddy and I.
This morning I have decided that Noodle is a bit insane. There's that saying - The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results - and that's where Noodle is lately.
A little backstory first... Noodle's brother Rommel, after Christmas, had decided that being crated at night was NO BUENO, which was keeping us up. We also didn't want the dogs in bed with us as they somehow manage to hog half the bed. Our solution was to leave them in the living room, shutting all the doors and baby-gating them out of our bedroom and the kitchen. This has worked extremely well and all parties are pretty happy with this arrangement.
Some mornings, when I get up, I decide to let David have some peace and keep the gate to the bedroom up, keeping the dogs out. On days like today, when I am not rushing off to work, this arrangement makes Noodle quite unhappy. And she lets me know it.
Once I come out to the living room, and after the dogs have had their morning potty, Noodle starts checking to see if the gate is down. She will walk to the hallway, look, and practically sigh like a teenager in her disappointment (or maybe disgust?) that the gate is still up. She'll come huffing over to the couch and hop up for a few minutes, shooting me a dirty look or three, before hopping back down to check again. Some days, she is so adamant about getting in to sleep with her daddy that she will just do laps around the living room. Or just stand in the hallway looking demanding.
Noodle loves her daddy very much, probably more then me, the one who rescued her. I'm perfectly ok with that, as Noodle has essentially saved his life and he loves her just as much (though he assures me not more than he loves me). Their connections is quite sweet, really, and she is his heart dog.
It's currently 8:30 am here in Texas, and if daddy is in bed much longer, I'll let her have some snuggle time and stop the stink-eye from coming my way.
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